Tuesday, October 10, 2006

I fell ill again.
Woke up with a stinking sore throat.
*Cough cough*

photos for the day before yesterday =D

Jie's side is always neat =D

I hate messy tables :/

Cute packaging right?

Strawberry flavour sucks :D

Yummy yummy!

My brother (:

May my ambition come true :D :D

Ain, Seri, PF are at my house at the moment!
They rock man :D
Planning to study Chemistry later.

Physics papers was horrible.
I totally forgot all about thermometers.
Section B sucks.
Blame it all on me for not remembering all the questions in the TYS.

Chemistry, F&N, CME left.
Good luck people!

Note to "itz me":
Please stop guessing my url alright?
It will do neither you nor me any good.

It hurts to think that "forever friends" ended.
It hurts just by thinking about it.
I dont even wanna look at it,
it sure is gonna hurt more than just looking.
So near yet so far.

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